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Who am i

Portrait of a Smiling Woman with Curly H


I'm Veronique Sanders


Cognitive Behavioral


REBT Life Coach

who coach people to live happier lives


to be more balanced.


 My philosophy is

inspired by Alchemy. The transforming or combining 

elements into something new.


At Life Coaching 365 we specialize in working with individuals and groups who are ready to be empowered, make positive life changes and receive the assistance that is needed to balance.

 We perceive our clients’ unique brilliance; We challenge and encourage them to rise above their self-imposed limitations.

And keeping in mind there are

"No Limits".


I hold a Master of Arts in Psychology


Welcome to 

Life Coaching 365


"where transformation

happens every day"



Smiling Mature Woman with Gray Hair






In an effort to support clients in making breakthroughs, Veronique has created a method that is both belief and behavior based. It addresses the skill set as well as the mindset, approaching the obstacles from “inside out” which entails emotional release work, and combining it with practical “outside in” strategies that are aligned with clients’ value systems.

Each individual has different aspirations and faces different challenges. Some clients require more structure, some seek more guidance, many need daily or weekly assitance and some simply need more accountability.


Her key focus is to adapt her approach for each individual.

She provides an oasis for those that are too busy to pause, to reflect, to tune in to their own greatness, so that they can regroup for the journey ahead.




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